Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fan Fest is a Misnomer

I had the pleasure to attend the US Lacrosse Fan Fest a couple weeks back at the Baltimore Convention Center. In my opinion, Fan Fest was a lot of hoopla over nothing. Granted, Fan Fest accounts for only a trivial portion of the actual convention. My assessment of the event may have been a little different had I left my whining 7 year old at home. Somewhere along the line, he got it in his head that he was actually going to the Convention Center to lax it up. When his bubble burst upon arrival, he saw to it that I wasn't going to enjoy the event either.

Regardless of the situation (I can barely type that anymore without thinking of that Jersey Shore fool), there were some interesting items and vendor to be seen....not had. I guess my kid wasn't the only one surprised. I imagined being able to treat myself to a couple of lax items I didn't need at prices well above that of the local lax store. That wasn't the case though. Most vendors with the exception of the Jimalax's and Tribe 7's weren't selling their wares. Funny that I've been to numerous conventions for work and never paid attention that vendors weren't actually vending, but simply promoting.

Noticeably absent were all the big players; STX, Brine/Warrior, Maverick, Nike, etc.
I question Port Jeff's motives
Slick Lids was in the house though! I don't know if you've seen these things or not, but they are horrendous to look at. The concept is a solid one from the perspective of a parent's wallet, but come on. Just awful. I imagine that an affordable and disposable version of the Head Wrapz will put Slick Lids to bed. The ladies running the booth made up for the appearance of their product though, so win. Check out the embedded video. Wait! Don't actually press play. You're missing the point. OK, if you're intent on watching, check out the facial gyrations from the one on the right at the beginning of the video.

Slick Lids wasn't the only vendor peddling what this guy considers junk. There was this.
This was essentially slick lids for you shaft. I don't know how these stickers hold up in actual use, but I can't imagine that they last too long considering that actual metal has a limited shelf life when used in games. Then again, they weren't terribly expensive, so what the hell, wrap it up I guess.

Next year, I imagine I'll skip to the best part of the day which was a trip to the Hooters Inner Harbor and our lovely East Baltimore waitress, Destiny.

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